Scams and “Make Money Quickly” Hoaxes

We all hear about scams and “Make Money Quickly” hoaxes online and we also receive smses telling us how we can benefit if we choose to do a certain thing. Sometimes these scams ask of you to provide banking details and personal details because a relative passed away and they have nobody to leave their inheritance to. These are the type of emails we receive and there are people that fall for these phishing scams all the time.  Scammers will go as far as posing as a representative for an ABSA, Standard Bank, Nedbank or FNB. They will call you and promote certain deals and ask you if you would like to join. Then they will ask you to pay an enrolling fee to get it started. These are scams. Ignore calls like this and keep away from deceptive websites, because these con-artists only offer false opportunities.

You will find that when you are browsing the Internet that you will come across many scams and “Make Money Quickly” hoaxes on the Internet, and most of the time you will be able to tell immediately if the website is a hoax. Also phishing scams involve emails been sent to you telling you that you have to change your password because the website has encountered problems and they are busy with upgrades. Ignore these.  You will find that many times emails from ABSA, FNB, Nedbank and Standard Bank will ask you to do certain things. If you would like to know if these emails are legit, call your branch and read the email to them. They will be able to tell you immediately if the email is legit or a scam.

Try to keep away from deceptive websites and all these sites that offer you false opportunities, because you are going to be the one paying and the scammers are the ones that are going to get rich.