SARS Tax Tables and Calculating Your Tax Returns

SARS Tax tables and calculating your tax returns can be likened to finding your way out of a labyrinth, in the dark. If you have never worked with tax before, and want to make sure that you fill in the right forms and make the right submissions for your income, you might spend a lot longer than you would like online having a look at SARS’ online resources. They have excellent resources like an annual or PAYE tax calculator, and a number of articles about how to work the system and use Efiling. Nevertheless, sometimes you might just feel that you’re going to have to join the queue at one of their offices and ask questions of a person.

If you are earning a particular level of income you will need to consider SARS tax tables and calculating your tax returns should be based on your taxable earnings. In most cases your employer will tax according to the bracket that you fall into, and will make their submissions to the relevant offices to ensure that you are all paid up. There are a number of forms you might need to fill in however, if it is found that you have been taxed too much. The easiest way to avoid the long lines is to register online for Efiling so that you can start sorting out your tax as soon as you start making enough money.

Despite the fact that there are articles, online calculators and tables in SARS extensive collection of online resources, it is not always clear what you have to do if you don’t understand tax processes. Sometimes you will be taxed based on an annual salary and other times you will only be taxed on a Pay As You Earn (PAYE) basis. This is not always easy to anticipate or understand, so if you’re confused go to one of the offices and ask about SARS tax tables and calculating your tax returns.