Make Lots of Money Online Tomorrow

That title is a lie and there are thousands of similar titles across the Internet getting people excited and luring them into false ways to make money online on a daily basis.

One of the key elements of any business whether it’s online or offline is….


If you’re going to lie about how people can make tons of cash on the Internet then sooner or later you will come unstuck. There is no quick fix way of making money with an online business and any successful Internet entrepreneur will tell you so. It’s hours, days, months and years of constant hard work, marketing, tweaking and learning from your own mistakes and those of others.

The same applies for offline business. Lying about service or product delivery dates just to get the business or land the deal is going to throw you in hot water sooner or later.

Advice from Mr. Ali G – “Keep it Real”

A well known best form of advertising a business is by word of mouth and if you’ve been lying to people and making false promises you’re going to be upsetting them if you don’t deliver and they will quickly let others know about how you conduct things. It’s one of the fastest ways to kill your success.

Tell the truth even if a potential client seems a little unhappy about it, your honesty will prove to be a definite key to your success. It’s certainly not a lie to tell people they can make money online as some of us know that’s a fact but it is important not to blow things out of proportion giving people a false sense of hope and excitement.

Please feel free to comment, mail me your bank details and I’ll transfer $2000.00 into your account tomorrow. ( For the more serious folk, yep that’s a joke ) !!