Jobs You Can Do From Home

It’s my guess that with the current economic circumstances both here in South Africa and around the world that many people are looking for extra income or alternative ways to make money and perhaps considering jobs that can be done from home. Now if you don’t have a taste for stamps and don’t want to be filling thousands of envelopes every day and night or you’re not the home executive type then you are going to probably need a home computer or laptop. There are some ways to make money on your home computer, some that require an Internet connection, some that don’t, some that require you have a website or blog, some that don’t. There are also ways to make money online using Facebook and Twitter but due to limited space for today’s article I am not going there, perhaps in the near future.

So lets have a brief look at some jobs you can do from home on your computer. First of all there are some typing jobs available for those who have typing and writing skills. Many website and blog owners need people to write articles for them to publish on their sites and some are willing to pay good money for it.

To find these types of jobs type into a search engine such as google something like “earn money for writing articles” or even “copywriters wanted” and have a look through the search results to try and find something that looks attractive and pays well. If you do decide to take on work writing for other people you need to note that you cannot simply copy and paste already existing content. Companies who hire writers to publish content for their blogs and websites will be very strict on this and have ways of checking your work so be careful to abide by their terms and conditions.

If you have some technical skills, or know someone who has the technical skills to help you, it is possible for anyone to create a website or blog and make money from it. The money is made by joining programs such as Google AdSense or affiliate programs in South Africa. Basically, once your website or blog is live on the Internet, you apply to join these programs and are given a personal code that allows you to display adverts and banners on your site.

Depending on the type of program you join you can earn commission from people clicking on adverts, leads made through people clicking on your adverts or when sales are made through visitors buying something after clicking on your advert or banner. Obviously for this kind of home based job you need a computer or laptop with Internet access and preferably broadband speed, not dial-up. (Do people still use dial-up)? Anyway, be warned about this type of work, it takes months and years to learn all the tricks of the trade and to get good at it which takes a LOT of time and patience. Get it right though and the rewards can be great.

There are a few other ways to earn an extra income at home on the computer but I just wanted to briefly touch on the above to help give some of you an idea of what I know works and had first hand experience at. If you are someone that has had some success by working in other types of jobs you can do from home then please feel free to leave a comment here. Until next time 🙂