Greatest Money Making Secret of All Time – What, another one?

Well I suppose I have to laugh, it never ceases to amaze me just how many of these false hope building titles you see around the Internet. Hence the reason for this blog and the somewhat sarcastic domain.

The one I came across today:

BONUS#3 – Shocking eBook: The Greatest Money Making Secret of All Time. Yours for only $19:95.

Yeh, that’s “shocking” alright, more like daylight robbery!

They go on to say:

If you want to make money, you only have to do one thing. It’s the one thing some of the wealthiest people on the planet are doing. It is the one thing written about in various ancient cultures and still promoted today. It’s the one thing that will bring money to anyone who does it but at the same time most people will fear doing it.

What is that one thing?

You will find out when you read – “The Greatest Money Making Secret of All Time”.

Hehe, what a complete load of sh*t.

Is there really a secret to making money? Yes there is – Get a good job or start your own business and work really hard!

Ooops! Slip of the tongue, keep it to yourself now.