Another Free Money Making Tip

Most free money making tips are not rocket science (as the over-used saying goes) but often learnt as the result of making mistakes and learning from those mistakes; And believe me, I’ve made plenty..! I’d like to share the following advice as a result of personal failure and “try, try and try agains”, until I got it right.

Todays Tip – Keywords:

Using keywords correctly will make your website more visible and get you a better ranking in the search engines which equals more visitors and ultimately more income. That’s no breakthrough information to anyone who has been making money online for a while but to those who may be fairly new at this, keywords and the correct amount and use of them are absolutely essential.

Why?… Thanks for asking…!

One of the many ways that search engines like Google rank your website and its content is from words in your article and page titles and within your main body text.

For example, let’s say your website or blog is about cars. Your titles and written content need to contain keywords that are related in order for a search engine to index it correctly. So Ford, Renault, Volkswagen, BMW, vehicle accessories, sunroof, tyres, rear view mirror, steering wheel, etc etc would be examples of some of the keywords that might appear throughout the content of your car website.

Caution needs to be taken with this though as there is such a thing known as “keyword spamming”, which we need to try our best to avoid. Some dispute occurs around what the correct density (amount of times a keyword appears on a page) is, but a good general rule of thumb is to simply write an article or make your written page content read as natural to a human being as possible.

This would be wrong:

The new shape Renault Clio from Renault is sportier than the previous Renault Clio and the Renault company have found a way to cut the Renault Clio’s cost to make it cheaper for consumers – well done Renault.

It’s just not naturally readable and would be considered “spammy” resulting in a penalised search engine ranking.

This would be right:

The new shape Clio from Renault is sportier than the previous model and the French auto manufacturer has found a way to cut the cost of this popular hatchback car to make it cheaper for consumers.

Much more natural, flowing and read-able, with a couple of “related” keywords.

Of course, an article, or a complete website page is usually more than one paragraph long so the key is to use your keywords sparingly throughout. What I try to do when writing new articles is firstly, have the main targetted keyword/s in the title (very important). Then again somewhere near the beginning of the article. Once or twice in the middle and again towards the end of the last paragraph in order to show a little consistency.

Making the odd keyword or term bold once or twice in an article can also help but again, this must never be overdone. Other, slightly more technical ways of improving your search engine rankings with keywords is by making use of the <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc tags or by incorporating anchor text links within your pages. Both of these require detailed explanations which I am not going to go into now so that I don’t confuse you. I may write a ‘part 2’ for this topic at a later stage if anyone wants?

Finding the right keywords to use for your website or blog is important as well. There are many paid tools you can use to do this but there are also some very useful free keyword tools available, here’s three that I use frequently:

Google AdWords Keyword Tool
SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool
Free Keyword Suggestion Tool From Wordtracker

This advice, as I mentioned, is geared more towards you if you are relatively new to the business of making money online and have been searching for some free tips to help you understand the importance of keywords. I hope this has helped a few people and by all means feel free to leave a comment. 🙂